среда, 29 февраля 2012 г.

Events Diary for Friday, February 6, 2009

AAP General News (Australia)
Events Diary for Friday, February 6, 2009

No items listed.

1100 - RACQ to test dangers of leaving children in parked cars. RACQ Tingalpa office,
corner of Greystone Street and Wynnum Road. Contact: Jim Kershaw 0417 001 697.

1200 - Governor-General Quentin Bryce will be presented with the University of Queensland's
Alumnus of the Year for 2008. Customs House, 399 Queen Street, Brisbane. Contact: Shirley
Glaister 3365 1931.

No items listed.

0945 - Victorian Health …

-Universal may withdraw catalogue from Deezer platform

Internet Business News
-Universal may withdraw catalogue from Deezer platform


10 June 2011 - Record label Universal Music may withdraw its catalogue from the platform of French online music streaming specialist Deezer as their contract expired in January and they have not managed to reach an agreement on a two-year extension.
Universal Music reportedly accuses Deezer of trying to impede the development of its rivals, such as Spotify. Hence, for the past six months, Deezer has been offering Universal's catalogue without any contract.

Deezer reportedly closed 2010 with a revenue of EUR7m. Meanwhile it paid EUR4m for copyrights and other intellectual property rights.

((Comments on this story may be sent to info@m2.com))

(Copyright M2 Communications, 2011)

NSW:$2million worth of cannabis seized in NSW

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW:$2million worth of cannabis seized in NSW

SYDNEY, Dec 3 AAP - Cannabis worth nearly $2 million has been seized on the NSW Mid North Coast.

More than 900 cannabis plants and half a kilogram of dried cannabis was seized during
raids in the Manning Great Lakes over the past week.

The cannabis had an estimated street value of $1.93 million, police said. It has been destroyed.

"Each year, illegal growers try to hide their crops in remote locations where they
won't be found, but we've got you in our sights," Drug Squad Commander, Detective Superintendent
Nick Bingham, said in a statement on Saturday.

The raids were part of an ongoing cannabis eradication program that has been running
since the 1980s.

The program has stopped more than $230 million worth of cannabis from reaching NSW
streets, police said.

AAP ct/tab


� 2011 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

StumbleUpon Launches Social Media Brand Advertising Platform

Wireless News
StumbleUpon Launches Social Media Brand Advertising Platform
Type: News

StumbleUpon, a discovery engine, announced the availability of StumbleUpon Paid Discovery, its new social media brand advertising platform.

According to StumbleUpon, Paid Discovery enables brands to target customers using sponsored web and mobile pages within the StumbleUpon content discovery experience. By utilizing a variety of targeting options, reporting features and variable pricing and serving options, marketers and agencies can reach audiences most likely to engage with and share their content with others.
"Display ads fundamentally miss what is critical for brands: integrating relevant sponsored content with the intended user experience," said Garrett Camp, StumbleUpon CEO and co-founder. "With Paid Discovery, marketers and agencies can connect directly with customers interested in discovering their products and gain valuable insights into how their customers are engaging with them."

With Paid Discovery, brands can reach customers through in- stream promotion of entire web pages, micro-sites, mobile sites or videos. To reach their desired audiences, marketers can target StumbleUpon's base of more than 14 million users by age, gender, location, and more than 500 different topical interest areas. Paid Discovery only recommends a marketer's content to users who have expressed preference for a particular interest.

Paid Discovery provides marketers with a valuable set of engagement metrics, including the time spent by users with that brand's content and sharing behavior across StumbleUpon, Facebook, Twitter and email. Marketers pay only for every engaged unique user to their site. If a user likes a brand's content and shares it with others, Paid Discovery will recommend the content more often, leading to additional free viral traffic.

StumbleUpon is a discovery engine that recommends the best web and mobile content for each user. With more than 14 million users and more than 800 personalized recommendations per month, StumbleUpon is a way to discover peer-sourced content on the Internet.

((Comments on this story may be sent to newsdesk@closeupmedia.com))

Copyright 2011 Close-Up Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

FED:Centrelink debts could be waived

AAP General News (Australia)
FED:Centrelink debts could be waived

The federal government has been told to waive Centrelink debts in cases where the agency
is responsible for overpayments.

A Senate inquiry has recommended an overhaul of current provisions that force welfare
recipients to pay back debts accumulated because of an error by Centrelink.

Currently .. for Centrelink to consider waiving a debt .. welfare recipients need to
prove the overpayment was solely the fault of the agency

The Senate review says waivers should instead be permitted in cases where the Centrelink
error was the MAIN contributor to the debt.

AAP RTV sld/rl/af


� 2010 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

HighLights of the AAP National Wire at 14:30, Aug 1

AAP General News (Australia)
HighLights of the AAP National Wire at 14:30, Aug 1

CANBERRA - The Liberal Party is kicking former prime minister Kevin Rudd when he's
down, laid up in hospital following surgery, Deputy Prime Minister Wayne Swan says. (Poll10

See also Poll10 Bets, Poll10 Parliament, Poll10 Swan, Poll10 Immigration, Poll10 Heritage

Poll10 Wrap to come

SYDNEY - Opposition Leader Tony Abbott is to announce on Sunday a plan to free 3000
aged-care beds to ease the nursing home-care crisis. (Poll10 Aged)

Poll10 Abbott Wrap to come.

Poll10 Gillard Wrap to come

SYDNEY - Prime Minister Julia Gillard has promised that if Labor is re-elected workers
on average incomes will see their retirement savings grow by $150,000.(Poll10 Super Wrap)

CANBERRA - The Australian Greens won't block attempts to bring down the rate of company
tax in the Senate, party leader Bob Brown says. (Poll10 Greens) Update to come.

PERTH - A new advertising campaign has been launched saying every Australian will "get
whacked" by the federal government's proposed resources tax. (Henry Ads)

See also Poll10 Parental, Poll10 Plibersek.


MELBOURNE - As the Victorian government considers how many of the bushfires royal commission's
67 recommendations it will implement, Premier John Brumby has expressed his sorrow over
Black Saturday. (Teague Brumby); See also Teague Philpott, Teague Esplin, Teague Waller.

To come:

Teague Resettle

Teague Vulnerable

Teague Wrap with factboxes

ADELAIDE - A wind storm - possibly a tornado - has caused millions of dollars damage
in the South Australian town of Penola. (Weather SA)

Weather SA Wrap to come.


MELBOURNE - National Australia Bank Ltd chief economist Alan Oster is tipping interest
rates will rise about one per cent during the next 12 months. (Rates Oster)

MELBOURNE - The Australian share market is expected to open the week a little stronger
in muted trading after a flat lead from Wall Street. (Markets Preview)

MELBOURNE - A tax deal between Australia's three biggest miners and the federal government
will save those companies more than $100 billion in tax, the nation's richest man says.

(Henry Fortescue)


MELBOURNE - Wallabies coach Robbie Deans faces a massive task to take the heat off
himself and his inconsistent players as they attempt to prevent a record losing streak
against New Zealand on Saturday. (Tri Aust); see also,

MELBOURNE - A frustrated Wallabies camp questioned the severity of Drew Mitchell's
Bledisloe Cup punishment after he became the first Australian to be sent off in 32 years
of Test rugby. (tri Aust Mitcgell)

MOENCHENGLADBACH, Germany - Australia equalled the biggest winning margin in men's
Champions Trophy hockey history when they routed New Zealand 9-1 to begin their bid for
a third straight title on Saturday. (Hockey 2nd Wrap)

AAP bwl


� 2010 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

NSW: Taxi drivers call for patience during bus strike

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Taxi drivers call for patience during bus strike

SYDNEY, Dec 18 AAP - Taxi drivers are pleading for patience from passengers as hundreds
of thousands of Sydney commuters left stranded during a bus strike turn to alternative

Bus drivers in Sydney and Newcastle began a 24-hour strike at 4am (AEDT) on Friday,
following demands from the Rail Tram and Bus Union (RTBU) for a pay rise without loss
of conditions.

As the morning peak approached on Friday, the NSW Taxi Council called for patience.

"Taxis were never designed to be mass transport providers, but today we have been placed
in that position as 600,000 commuters are forced to find an alternative means of getting
to work," council CEO Howard Harrison said in a statement.

"We have every available car on the road and will work to get as many people as possible
to work on time - but passengers should remember the bus strike is not our fault, the
resulting traffic jams which slow us down are not our fault, and there are hundreds of
thousands of people trying to get to the office by 9am."

To help taxi drivers deliver the most efficient service, Mr Harrison has asked passengers
to pre-book where possible and allow multiple hiring.

"This is a stressful time of the year for everyone. Patience and courtesy would be
appreciated when booking or riding in a taxi, and we ask that expectations are kept realistic,"

Mr Harrison said.

AAP ad/wjf/tr/cdh


2009 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Vic: Woman dies in road crash

AAP General News (Australia)
Vic: Woman dies in road crash

A 29-year-old woman has died after being thrown from her vehicle north of Melbourne.

Police say they were called the scene of the collision just after midnight (AEST).

A spokesperson says the Beaufort woman had been driving the early model Land Rover
towards the city on the Melbourne Lancefield Road when she lost control and it rolled
several times.

Her death brings Victoria's road toll to 188 so far this year .. four less than at
the same time last year.

AAP RTV sbl/psm/


2009 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

SA: Distressing bushfire footage could traumatise children

AAP General News (Australia)
SA: Distressing bushfire footage could traumatise children

By Larine Statham

ADELAIDE, Feb 15 AAP - Children repeatedly exposed to dramatic television footage of
the Victorian bushfires could be just as traumatised as those directly affected, experts

Australian Council for Children and the Media president Jane Roberts said the deaths
of 181 people in Australia's worst ever natural disaster acted as a timely supervision
reminder to parents.

Their children might be struggling to cope with distressing images being shown on televisions
across the country.

Ms Roberts warned it was not just the children directly affected by the bushfires who
were likely to suffer trauma.

"While the media are rightly providing full coverage of this tragedy ... many children
who live in areas unaffected by the bushfires could become quite anxious and distressed
if they are repeatedly exposed to some of the dramatic footage being shown on television
news and current affairs programs," she said.

Glenn Cupit, a senior lecturer in child development at the University of South Australia
(UniSA), said it was young children in particular who were vulnerable to scary visual

"When certain footage is repeated many times, they are likely to think the event is
actually happening over and over again," he said.

Queensland University of Technology (QUT) lecturer in journalism Susan Hetherington
said findings outlined in her masters thesis "Little Brother is Watching You" supported
Dr Cupit's point.

Ms Hetherington said children who watched events such as the September 11 World Trade
Center disaster were unable to understand that it was the same footage being shown repeatedly,
but rather thought that each time they saw the image it was another plane and another

"Some of the studies show that children, who for example watched a whole lot of September
11 coverage out of the States, had similar post traumatic stress reactions to those children
who had been directly impacted by it," she told AAP.

"Some children have trouble separating what they see on television from reality, even
if they know it's not happening to them they can't necessarily put it in context of the
likelihood that it's going to happen to them.

"Next time they see fire, they've seen what fire can do and they make this loop."

Ms Hetherington said children who were traumatised had often displayed aggressive behaviour,
tantrums and bed wetting.

She said she understood some parents wanted their children to retain their innocence
for as long as possible, while others often said they did not want to wrap their children
in cotton wool to protect them from knowing about the bad things that happen across the

"Either way, parents just need to make a conscious decision and not just have (the
television) on by default in the background and think they'll be all right," she said.

With many families leaving the television on while preparing dinner, Ms Hetherington
said it was incorrect for parents to think their children were not absorbing what was
on the television.

"The key is that they shouldn't be watching it by themselves and if we can sit down
with our kids and explain it to them, often we can use it as a learning experience to
say this is why Mum and Dad say don't play with matches and this is why we need to have
a fire escape plan in the house.

"As parents, we have to take responsibility for what our children see on television."

Ms Hetherington said news organisations also needed to be conscious of the timing footage
was being shown on the television.

"As parents we can choose not to let our children watch the news at six o'clock, but
the problem comes ... when the same footage is being shown in the promos during the afternoon
cartoons and kids shows.

"The ABC has taken a leadership role in this and abandoned running news updates during
the kids programs."

While news programs are currently exempt from family viewing time classification regulations,
Ms Hetherington said some news organisations claimed they still ethically saved particularly
emotive images for late night editions.

"I'm not completely convinced," she said.

"I think it's an exemption that shouldn't be taken lightly."

With news organisations also balancing a responsibility to inform the public using
the most up to date information and footage, Dr Cupit said older children were more likely
to be upset by a wider range of images, especially when the people directly affected look
just like them and their families.

"Stories of children being injured or separated from their parents, the death of family
pets and interviews with emotionally distraught or shocked adults and children can make
their world feel more unsafe than it really is," he said.

Ms Hetherington suggested that if children were able to feel as though they were part
of the solution, they would in all likelihood feel better about what they were seeing.

"Kids can feel fairly powerless ... so you know, let's give some of your pocket money,
or some of your clothes," she said.

"It gives them a sense of control in doing something and being able to help."

Ms Roberts said parents wanting to know more about the effects of traumatic images
on their children or the responsibility of television stations should contact Young Media

AAP lcs/it/de


2009 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

NSW: Wood tried to use Richardson in alibi: court told

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Wood tried to use Richardson in alibi: court told

The NSW supreme court's been told GORDON WOOD tried to implicate a former senator in
his alibi the day his girlfriend was killed .. and threatened a witness who contradicted
his account.

WOOD has denied murdering CAROLINE BYRNE .. whose body was found at the foot of The
Gap in June 1995.

The former chauffeur to prominent stockbroker RENE RIVKIN is accused of throwing the
24-year-old model from the cliff top.

Crown prosecutor MARK TEDESCHI QC today told the jury WOOD was terrified Ms BYRNE planned
to leave him and would reveal potentially damaging information about Mr RIVKIN'S business

Mr TEDESCHI said WOOD made a number of claims about his whereabouts the day of the
murder .. telling police he'd driven Mr RIVKIN to a lunch appointment with then-senator
GRAHAM RICHARDSON before delivering the high-profile Labor figure to his office.

In fact .. Mr TEDESCHI said the senator would testify he was at lunch with another
man that day at Sydney's Hilton hotel.

The court was also told several months after Ms BYRNE'S death .. WOOD confronted the
owner of the restaurant where Mr RIVKIN had actually lunched on June 7 .. and threatened
him to keep quiet.

The jury will travel to The Gap for a viewing of the alleged crime scene this afternoon.

AAP RTV ajc/pbc/evt/bart


2008 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

NSW: Sydney's Tetsuya's in world's top ten restaurants

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Sydney's Tetsuya's in world's top ten restaurants

Tetsuya's restaurant in Sydney has again been ranked as one of the world's top ten restaurants.

Offering a menu fusing Japanese flavours and French technique .. Tetsuya's has been
ranked ninth in the S.Pellegrino World's 50 Best Restaurants list .. down from number
five last year.

Sydney's Rockpool (fish) restaurant also made the list .. at number 49.

For the third year in a row .. Spanish restaurant El Bulli has topped the world-wide
poll of industry experts.

AAP RTV ad/hn/tm/ibw


2008 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Fed: EU Ambassador calls for sky-high dplomacy

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: EU Ambassador calls for sky-high dplomacy

By Susanna Dunkerley

CANBERRA, Dec 18 AAP - The European Union wants to engage Prime Minister Kevin Rudd
in sky-high diplomacy by taking him for a ride in their new air balloon.

At the crack of dawn today EU Ambassador Bruno Julien, along with diplomatic colleagues
from Portugal and Slovenia, floated over Canberra in the balloon adorned with the EU emblem.

The balloon, set to become a regular feature of the Canberra skyscape, is part of the
union's bid to promote political ties with Australia.

"I hope the balloon will fly over Kevin Rudd's residence (The Lodge) everyday to remind
him that we are here," Mr Julien said.

Although Australia is a good partner with the EU more could be done by the federal
government to promote the relationship, Mr Julien said.

"We have very good economic relations, but we have to have a look at political relations."

One way was for Mr Rudd to join EU Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso for a balloon ride.

"If he (Mr Barroso) comes (next year) of course I will try to organise the ride between
Kevin Rudd and the president."

"But if he (Kevin Rudd) wants to do one before with me, of course he will be my guest."

Mr Julien admits he has taken quite a liking to ballooning despite today's hard landing
that saw the basket skip and turn up-right.

It is a new hobby for the French national who took to the skies for the first time 10 days ago.

"It's (ballooning) a French discovery but I had never been in the balloon," he said.

The experience also was new for ambassador Gregor Kozovinc, of Slovenia, who particularly
enjoyed the landing.

"Obviously we are not into the European traditions as far as flying is concerned," he said.

"It was fun and the landing was nice, I very much like these three to four bumps that we had."

"We managed to spare the kangaroos and animals, but I did appreciate getting myself
out of the tipped basket."

AAP sld/rl/maur/bwl


2007 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.


AAP General News (Australia)

More than 160 passengers have been examined by ambulance staff .. with only three reporting
minor injuries following the collision which happened about 11.30 (CST) this morning.

The truck driver's been taken to Royal Adelaide Hospital.

All passengers have been taken off the train at the crossing near Two Wells .. about
50 kilometres north of Adelaide.

They're now being taken to Adelaide by bus.

The train line's closed with Great Southern Railways .. and police continuing investigations.

AAP RTV sl/pc/tm/bart

KEYWORD: A truck driver's been taken to hospital with chest injuries .. after a collision with The Ghan passenger train north of Adelaide.

2007 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Vic: Bracks issues footy flag challenge to Rann

AAP General News (Australia)
Vic: Bracks issues footy flag challenge to Rann

Victoria's premier says he's confident Melbourne Victory players will restore some
pride to the state's AFL football fans .. in their soccer final against Adelaide United
on Sunday.

STEVE BRACKS has challenged his South Australian counterpart MIKE RANN to fly the Victory
flag on the state executive building in Adelaide .. when Melbourne wins.

And he's told Southern Cross Broadcasting .. he'll reciprocate if Adelaide wins.

The A-League final kicks off at Telstra Dome in Melbourne at six o'clock (AEDT) on
Sunday evening.

AAP RTV kl/gfr/tm/jmt


2007 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Qld: Lifeboat plan for Gold Coast units 'premature': Beattie

AAP General News (Australia)
Qld: Lifeboat plan for Gold Coast units 'premature': Beattie

Queensland Premier PETER BEATTIE says any plans to put lifeboats in buildings on the
Gold Coast to protect against tidal surges .. are premature.

The Gold Coast council has already placed the extraordinary requirement on one high-rise
project because of fears the perfect storm would create massive tidal surges.

Councillors predict all new canal and beachfront developments will soon have to include
lifeboats as part of compulsory flood evacuation plans.

Mr BEATTIE says he's concerned about climate changes too .. but the council's getting
ahead of itself.

AAP RTV rm/jmt


) 2006 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

WA: Elderly pedestrian dies after being hit by car

AAP General News (Australia)
WA: Elderly pedestrian dies after being hit by car

An 82-year-old pedestrian's died after being hit by a car driven by a teenager in Perth.

Police say the woman was crossing a street in West Perth at 7.30 pm (WST) last night
.. when she was struck by a car driven by a 19-year-old woman.

The woman received head injuries and died at the scene.

A spokesman says street lights weren't working in the immediate area .. and the elderly
woman was wearing dark clothing.

Her death brings the state's road toll for the year to 60 .. up on 54 at this time last year.

AAP RTV den/lk/rt/tm


2006 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

понедельник, 27 февраля 2012 г.

NSW: Missing children found

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Missing children found

Three children missing for more than 15 hours in thick bushland in Sydney's south have
been found safe and well.

Police say the missing children walked out of the bush about 7.30am (AEST).

A spokesman says the trio appeared uninjured.

MORE RTV kjd/kp/sco


2005 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

SOITEC Appoints Industry Veteran George Celler as New Chief Scientist.

PEABODY, Mass., Oct. 2 /PRNewswire/ --

SOITEC, the leading manufacturer of silicon-on-insulator (SOI) wafers for use in semiconductor manufacturing, today announced the appointment of 25-year industry veteran George Celler to the newly created position of chief scientist. Reporting to Andrew Wittkower, president of SOITEC USA, Celler is tasked with assisting SOITEC's team, customers and partners with technical and scientific issues and with promoting visibility for the company as it continues its steady ascension.

A former chairman of the IEEE International SOI Conference and an inventor with several patents related to SOI development, Celler brings a wealth of experience to the SOITEC team, affirming the company's commitment to ongoing technology innovation and leadership. "With his broad range of knowledge and expertise, George Celler is the ideal candidate to fill this critical new role in SOITEC's organization," noted Wittkower. "We are delighted to have George on board and look forward to his contribution to SOITEC as we seek to extend our leadership position and forge new opportunities in the growing SOI market. His capabilities complement the current management team, and will help position SOITEC for continued success and increased visibility."

Celler's distinguished career includes 25 years of technical experience with AT&T Bell Laboratories/Lucent Technologies, much of which involved work with SOI material technology. Just prior to his selection by SOITEC, Celler was a distinguished member of technical staff in the High-speed Electronics Department at Lucent spin-off Agere Systems (Murray Hill, N.J.). In this role, he investigated applications of SOI for CMOS and BiCMOS, for microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) and as a compliant substrate for silicon germanium (SiGe) devices.

A co-organizer of the 2001 Electrochemical Society (ECS) SOI Symposium, Celler is a fellow of both the American Physical Society and the ECS (where he formerly chaired the Electronics Division's executive committee), and is a member of the Technology Working Group on Starting Materials for the International Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS). The author of 170 technical papers and editor of five books, Celler holds a M.Sc. degree in physics from the University of Warsaw in Poland and a Ph.D. in physics from Purdue University.

About SOITEC: Silicon-On-Insulator Technologies (SOITEC) is the world's leading manufacturer and supplier of SOI wafers. SOITEC provides a broad range of advanced thin-film substrates for IC manufacturing, including bonded SOI UNIBOND(R) and silicon-on-quartz wafers. SOITEC is traded on the French "Nouveau Marche" at the Paris Stock Exchange. Stock index converted into dollars can be consulted on the Internet at: http://www.semindex.org . Additional information is available on the Internet at: http://www.soitec.com .

About UNIBOND: SOI UNIBOND wafers are produced using commercially available equipment with a proprietary process called Smart Cut(R) that uses both ion implantation and wafer bonding technologies. The application of this unique concept enables SOITEC to produce a high-volume product, using standard manufacturing equipment. With its new plant located in Bernin, France, SOITEC now has the world's leading and largest SOI industrial production plant.

NOTE: Smart Cut and UNIBOND are registered trademarks of SOITEC. All others are property of their respective holders.



IDA group discusses progress.(Interface for Distributed Automation group)(Brief Article)

The founding members of IDA (Jetter, Kuka Roboter, Lenze, Phoenix Contact, and Sick) met at the ISA show in New Orleans and described the progress that they have made since the alliance was announced at Hannover Fair 2000. They have recently selected the American software firm RTI (Real Time Innovations) to supply the base software NDDS (Network Data Delivery Service).

IDA says it will define its own object-based application layer for standard TCP/IP Ethernet, and make the specifications publicly available. The fundamental goal of the group is to construct a "software bus" for real-time communications using Ethernet protocols. The bus will hide the complexity of network communications so that distributed applications can intercommunicate with no network programming, which means device vendors will have the "plug and work" model for building systems they have wanted for a long time. Roland Bent of Phoenix Contact said the IDA group would have its first demonstration at the SPS/IPC trade show in Nurnberg this November.

Schneider Electric announced at the ISA show that it would support the Interface for Distributed Automation group to develop real-time Ethernet for factory automation.

"Schneider shares IDA's strategy to define a new set of services on top of Ethernet and Internet standards to enable distribution of control in PLCs and intelligent devices connected over Ethernet," said Richard Galera, who works with Schneider's "Transparent Factory" automation architecture. "We are participating actively with IDA to define these standards and to deliver interoperability of devices and applications to customers."

Dick Caro, an analyst with ARC Advisory Group, said that he believed "at least one Tier 1 supplier is prepared to fully support and implement IDA for their networked products. Support by a significant Asian supplier would be a significant event, perhaps enough to force the major suppliers to all support IDA, at least as an alternative interface." Mr. taro said that without a "Tier 1" supplier, IDA may be doomed to the same fate as some of the minor fieldbus solutions-just a curiosity. But if at least one Tier 1 supplier joined the effort, the others would have a more difficult decision to make once users begin specifying IDA.

воскресенье, 26 февраля 2012 г.

Innovative MyLOK Secure Password Management Device Launched By ii2p.

Southlake, Texas (PRWEB) July 13, 2011

ii2P, IT self-service specialists, today launched MyLOK[TM], a revolutionary advancement in secure password management technology. MyLOK is a USB-based password manager that enables users to securely encrypt all of their passwords and login information -- for Internet, intranet and desktop applications -- and access it with one personal identification number (PIN).

The PIN makes MyLOK password management as convenient as an ATM card. Its MULTOS[TM] smart chip, the most secure smart chip in the world, ensures that IDs and passwords remain secure. And, its USB stick form makes it completely portable among PCs and Windows OS tablets. MyLOK currently works with users' Firefox or Internet Explorer browsers, or users can access the pre-loaded browsers when they're on a computer or tablet they don't fully trust. Macintosh and Google Chrome compatibility are coming soon.

The MyLOK device contains an optional random generator for ultra-secure passwords. Users can back up data in encrypted form on their PCs in case of a lost MyLOK device.

The enterprise version of MyLOK provides all the same benefits, but additionally allows for true single sign-on and helps eliminate expensive and frustrating password reset phone calls. MyLOK is configurable for customized secure questions and supports split credential login requirements.

"About a year and a half ago, while discussing the overwhelming volume of calls to corporate help desks for simple password resets, the concept of MyLOK was hatched," said ii2P CEO and Founder, Steve Carter. "Why not make it convenient to manage passwords, and at the same time keep the information highly secure -- far better than writing them on sticky notes or using the same password for all accounts? MyLOK eliminates frustration for users and help desk costs for corporate IT departments. It's a simple concept that nobody has executed well before now."

Most password management software stores personal information in the "cloud," which has been proven, time and again, to be insecure. Competing USB systems were designed as flash storage devices first, with password management as an afterthought. But, MyLOK was designed from the ground up to be convenient, secure and portable -- the perfect password manager. In addition, the comprehensive level of support offered by ii2P far exceeds anything offered by competitors.

One PIN replaces allthe login IDs and passwords people struggle to remember -- or worse, write down where they can easily be stolen and used to access accounts. With MyLOK, users must have two forms of authentication -- both the device and the PIN --to access information.Lose the device? No problem -- anybody who tries to access information would need the PIN. If physically tampered with, the MULTOS chip self-destructs.MyLOK customers get a convenient way to manage their passwords and free themselves from worrying about identity theft.

Convenient. Secure. Portable. MyLOK is the best password management solution for personal or business needs. MyLOK devices can be ordered online today at http://mylok.ii2p.com/.

About ii2P

Based in Southlake, Texas, ii2P LLC, specializes in self-help IT services.ii2P (Integrity, Innovation, People), was formed by an executive leadership team with a combined 80 years of experience in delivering leading edge, end-to-end IT support services. ii2P provides tailored solutions for each client with the ultimate goal of users who prefer to quickly resolve their own issues, rather than call a help desk.


Read the full story at http://www.prweb.com/releases/2011/7/prweb8638146.htm

Wells Fargo Insurance Services and ImPACT Applications, Inc. Develop Innovative Concussion Care Program.

Program to provide student athletes neurocognitive testing and excess insurance coverage

SAN FRANCISCO -- Wells Fargo & Company's (NYSE: WFC) Student Insurance Division and ImPACT Applications have joined forces to launch Play It Safe Concussion Care(SM)- a new concussion management treatment and services solution for youth athletes nationwide. Play It Safe Concussion Care(SM)provides concussion medical expense benefits for athletes who sustain a covered head injury. An innovative approach to concussion management, Play It Safe Concussion Care(SM) provides education, neurocognitive testing, access to medical professionals who are credentialed ImPACT (Immediate Post-concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing) consultants, and excess insurance coverage to protect the financial well-being of athletes and their families.

"Wells Fargo is thrilled to announce our exclusive association with ImPACT for the Play It Safe Concussion Care program," said John Breckenridge, senior vice president of Wells Fargo Insurance Services. "We are connected in our mission to protect youth athletes. The quality and reliability of the ImPACT test along with their credentialed ImPACT consultants and training programs help ensure a safe return-to-play for young athletes."

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates between 1.6 and 3.8 million sports and recreation related concussions occur in the United States each year. Ten percent of all college players and twenty percent of all high school players sustain concussions in any given season, with high school athletes three times more likely to sustain a second concussion.

Micky Collins, PhD. Director of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center's Center for Sports Medicine Concussion Program said, "We are pleased to work with Wells Fargo in initiating this comprehensive concussion care program. The program will help all children to receive exemplary, evidence-based care incorporating all elements of an appropriate concussion management program. These elements include concussion education, baseline neurocognitive testing, and, most importantly, post-injury treatment by a clinician who has been trained extensively in implementing the latest advances in concussion science and education. We are proud to be a part of this as many children will benefit from this program."

Play It Safe provides youth sports organizations and school districts with affordable access to similar protections and protocols afforded by the NFL, NHL, and Major League Baseball. For more information on the Play It Safe Concussion Care Solution, please visit https://wfis.wellsfargo.com/concussioncare. For more information about ImPACT, please visit www.impacttest.com.

"Post-injury care is key to successful return to play, return to school and return to life. The Play it Safe program helps provide athletes with easier access to qualified clinicians that have the background and experience in concussion management," said Mark Lovell, PhD, FACPN and chairman of ImPACT. "This program should greatly increase access to high quality care and should have a particularly large impact on the child athlete."

About Wells Fargo Insurance Services Student Insurance Division

Wells Fargo Insurance Services is the fifth largest insurance brokerage in the world and the largest bank-owned insurance brokerage in the U. S. (Business Insurance, 2009) with more than 200 offices in 37 states. Its 7,000 insurance professionals place more than $16 billion of risk premiums with experience in property, casualty, benefits, international, personal lines, and life products. Insurance products are offered through non-bank insurance agency affiliates of Wells Fargo & Company and underwritten by unaffiliated insurance companies.

Well Fargo Insurance Services' Student Insurance Division has over 20 years of experience in designing student insurance solutions and program administration. We provide our customers with the experience and resources of a large broker with the personal attention of a local broker.

Wells Fargo & Company is a nationwide, diversified, community-based financial services company with $1.2 trillion in assets. Founded in 1852 and headquartered in San Francisco, Wells Fargo provides banking, insurance, investments, mortgage, and consumer and commercial finance through more than 9,000 stores, 12,000 ATMs, the Internet (wellsfargo.com and wachovia.com), and other distribution channels across North America and internationally. With approximately 280,000 team members, Wells Fargo serves one in three households in America. Wells Fargo & Company was ranked No. 23 on Fortune's 2011 rankings of America's largest corporations. Wells Fargo's vision is to satisfy all our customers' financial needs and help them succeed financially.

About ImPACT

ImPACT (Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing) is the first, most-widely used, and most scientifically validated computerized concussion evaluation system.

Developed in the early 1990's by Drs. Mark Lovell and Joseph Maroon, ImPACT is a 20-minute test that has become a standard tool used in comprehensive clinical management of concussions for athletes of all ages. ImPACT Applications, Inc. was co-founded by Mark Lovell, PhD, Joseph Maroon, MD, and Michael (Micky) Collins, PhD.

Given the inherent difficulties in concussion management, it is important to manage concussions on an individualized basis and to implement baseline testing and/or post-injury neurocognitive testing. This type of concussion assessment can help to objectively evaluate the concussed athlete's post-injury condition and track recovery for safe return to play, thus preventing the cumulative effects of concussion. In fact, neurocognitive testing has recently been called the "cornerstone" of proper concussion management by an international panel of sports medicine experts.

ImPACT can be administered by an athletic trainer, school nurse, athletic director, team coach, team doctor, or anyone trained to administer baseline testing. ImPACT is the most widely used computer-based testing program in the world and is implemented effectively across high school, collegiate, and professional levels of sport participation.

QATAR : GBI and Interoute Announce Two European Agreements.(Brief article)

Gulf Bridge International (GBI), the Middle East s first privately owned submarine cable operator, and Interoute, owner operator of Europe's most advanced next-generation network, are pleased to announce two new agreements, which will be delivered on the network extension agreement that was signed in Nairobi last year.

Italian Terrestrial Network Agreement

Under the terms of the Italian Terrestrial Network Agreement, Interoute will provide GBI with a fully diverse route from GBI s landing station in Mazara Sicily to Interoute s Milan POP at via Caldera.

European Network Agreement

The European Network Agreement will see GBI and Interoute integrate their Networks and provides GBI with access to Europe on the most advanced and densely connected voice and data network and affords connectivity to the major centers of Milan, London, Paris, Marseilles, Frankfurt and Amsterdam. This will be fully protected, resilient and will be designed and deployed as a fully 100g capable network.

"I am delighted that we are working with Interoute and that we are building on the agreement we signed with Interoute last year." stated Mr. Ahmed Mekky, Board Member and CEO of GBI "This is a major milestone for GBI, as we deliver on our promise to Connect the World to the Gulf. With our launch only a few months away, we have now secured extensive coverage across Europe, beyond the physical reach of the GBI Cable System. This will enable both of our companies to offer the most comprehensive coverage between Europe and the Middle East."

Gareth Williams, CEO at Interoute, said: "The global demand for internet increases year on year, and there is a real need for strong, resilient internet connections between Europe, the Middle East and Africa. We are very excited to be working closely with GBI again to further strengthen the communications bridge between the continents and meet this demand."

About Gulf Bridge International

Gulf Bridge International (GBI) is a private company dedicated to connecting all the nations of the Gulf region to one another and to the rest of the world, using the latest fiber optic technologies. The GBI cable will be developed and owned by GCC investors who are building this strategic infrastructure to serve the entire region. GBI intends to be the carrier s carrier of choice for traffic to and from the Gulf, facilitating social and economic growth in the region. GBI s cable system will provide telecom operators and other communications companies, both in the region and globally, with greater choice, value, diversity and resilience.

About Interoute

Interoute is the owner/operator of Europe's most advanced and densely connected voice and data network.

2011 Al Bawaba (Albawaba.com)

Provided by Syndigate.info an Albawaba.com company


WASHINGTON -- The following information was released by the CTIA, The Wireless Association:

After U.S. Senators Ron Wyden (D-OR) and John Thune (R- SD) and U.S. Representatives Lamar Smith (R-TX-21) and Steve Cohen (D-TN-9) introduced the Digital Goods and Services Tax Fairness Act of 2011 (S. 971; H.R. 1860), which would prevent unfair state and local taxes to be levied on wireless services and products purchased via the Internet with mobile devices or other Internet connections by establishing a national tax framework, CTIA-The Wireless Association[R] President and CEO Steve Largent released the following statement:

"CTIA and the wireless industry appreciate the leadership of Senators Wyden and Thune and Congressmen Smith and Cohen for introducing this legislation as a way to stop the discriminatory taxes and fees on consumers who purchase items via the Internet. It makes no sense to levy additional, and sometimes hidden, state and local taxes against items that consumers purchase via the Internet and not in stores. Once passed, this legislation would provide tax administrators and consumers a better understanding of how music, books and other downloadable products should be taxed. At the same time, it would continue to encourage digital commerce to flourish and assist the nation's economic recovery and enhance American economic competitiveness.

"We look forward to working with these sponsors and other supporters of the Digital Goods and Services Tax Fairness Act of 2011 to get this bill passed, which will provide consumers with some much needed clarity and assurances that their online purchases are not being taxed unfairly."


CTIA-The Wireless Association[R] (www.ctia.org) is an international organization representing the wireless communications industry. Membership in the association includes wireless carriers and their suppliers, as well as providers and manufacturers of wireless data services and products. CTIA advocates on behalf of its members at all levels of government. The association also coordinates the industry's voluntary best practices and initiatives, and sponsors the industry's leading wireless tradeshows. CTIA was founded in 1984 and is based in Washington, DC.

суббота, 25 февраля 2012 г.


WASHINGTON -- The following information was released by the White House:

Today, President Barack Obama announced his intent to appoint the following individuals to key Administration posts:

Judy Gaynor, Member, Commission on Presidential Scholars

Richard P. Herman, Member, Commission on Presidential Scholars

Robert Langer, Member, President's Committee on the National Medal of Science

Wendy Wanderman, Member, Advisory Committee on the Arts for the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts

Thomas E. Wheeler, Member, President's Intelligence Advisory Board

President Obama announced his intent to appoint the following individuals to key Administration posts:

Judy Gaynor, Appointee for Member, Commission on Presidential Scholars

Judy Gaynor is currently a co-founding Member of the Chicago Committee of Human Rights Watch and a Member of the Advisory Committee of the Children's Rights Division. Ms. Gaynor was previously a consultant for Senators Adlai Stevenson and Paul Simon. From 1997 to 2003, she was Executive Director of the Chicago International Film Festival. Ms. Gaynor has served on the boards of Business and Professional People for the Public Interest and the Illinois Arts Alliance. In addition, she served on committees for the American Civil Liberties Union, the Chicago Foundation for Women, Facing History and Ourselves, and the Jewish Council on Urban Affairs. Earlier in her career, Ms. Gaynor was a schoolteacher in Chicago. She holds a B.A. from the National College of Education.

Richard P. Herman, Appointee for Member, Commission on Presidential Scholars

Richard P. Herman is currently an educational consultant. Mr. Herman recently retired, following nearly 50 years as a founding Director of Windsor Mountain International (formerly Interlocken International Camp and Educational Travel), an organization that hosts local and international youth in experiential educational, residential, and travel programs with a focus on Community Service Learning. He also founded and directed the Educational Opportunities Fund of New Hampshire which provides scholarships for deserving youth. Mr. Herman served on the boards of the New Hampshire Children's Alliance, the American Camping Association and Bard/Simon's Rock Early College. He holds a B.A. in History from the University of Massachusetts and an M.A. in Education and Counseling from Northeastern University.

Robert Langer, Appointee for Member, President's Committee on the National Medal of Science

Robert Langer is the David H. Koch Institute Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He has written more than 1,100 peer reviewed articles, has approximately 800 issued and pending patents worldwide, and is one of the most cited engineers in history. Dr. Langer is the recipient of the 2006 National Medal of Science, the 2002 Charles Stark Draper Prize, and the 2008 Millennium Prize. In 1998, he received the Lemelson-MIT prize, the world's largest prize for invention, for being "one of history's most prolific inventors in medicine." Dr. Langer received his Bachelor's Degree from Cornell University in 1970 and his Sc.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1974, both in Chemical Engineering.

Wendy Wanderman, Appointee for Member, Advisory Committee on the Arts for the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts

Wendy Wanderman is an entertainment professional who has specialized in the production and marketing of motion pictures. She currently serves as the Associate Program Director for The Commonwealth Club of California, the nation's oldest and largest public affairs forum, where she is responsible for the organization's programming in San Francisco. She was the executive producer of the Bill Couturie documentary, "Into the Fire" for the History Channel and the executive producer of the 2001 Warner Brothers release, "Sweet November." Ms. Wanderman received her M.B.A. from Columbia University and her B.A. from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

Thomas E. Wheeler, Appointee for Member, President's Intelligence Advisory Board

Tom Wheeler is a Managing Director at Core Capital Partners, a venture capital firm that invests in companies focused on information technology, communications, digital media, and technology-enabled services. Before joining Core Capital in 2005, Mr. Wheeler was CEO of the Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association and previously served as President of the National Cable Television Association. As an entrepreneur, Mr. Wheeler has founded multiple companies offering cable, wireless, and video communications services. He is the only person inducted into both the Cable Television Hall of Fame and the Wireless Industry Hall of Fame. Mr. Wheeler is currently Chairman of the U.S. State Department's Advisory Committee on International Communications and Information Policy and Chairman of the FCC's Technology Advisory Council. He is a former Chairman of the Foundation for the National Archives and a former Trustee of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, to which he was appointed by Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. Mr. Wheeler holds a B.S. in Business Administration from The Ohio State University and is a recipient of the University's Alumni Medal for national and international career achievement.

Smith Micro Software to Present at the Merriman Capital's Investor Summit.

ALISO VIEJO, Calif. -- Smith Micro Software, Inc. (NASDAQ: SMSI), a leading developer and marketer of mobility solutions and services for the wireless market, today announced that William W. Smith, Jr., President and CEO will be presenting at the Merriman Capital's 7th Annual Investor Summit in New York City on November 16, 2010 at 9:30 a.m. ET.

Smith Micro will offer a live audio webcast of its presentation 9:30 a.m. ET on November 16, 2010, as well as an archived replay, which may be accessed in the investor relations section of Smith Micro's website at http://www.smithmicro.com.

Conference Details:

Intercontinental New York Hotel in Times Square

300 West 44th Street

New York City, NY 10036

About Smith Micro Software, Inc.:

Smith Micro Software, Inc. creates new possibilities by developing mobile applications and solutions to solve customer problems. Through our insight into the market, we develop new applications that put you in control of your digital lifestyle. Our portfolio of products and services spans Connectivity Management, Communications and Content Management solutions.

To complete Smith Micro's solutions, the company also provides server software applications and services to help its customers manage their software investments.

More information about Smith Micro Software (NASDAQ: SMSI) can be found on smithmicro.com.

About Merriman Curhan Ford:

Merriman Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: MERR) is a financial services firm focused on fast-growing companies and the institutions that invest in them. The company offers high-quality investment banking, equity research, institutional services and corporate & venture services, and specializes in three growth industry sectors: CleanTech, Consumer, Media & Internet and Technology. For more information, please go to www.merrimanco.com.

Safe Harbor Statement:

This release may contain forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties, including without limitation forward-looking statements relating to the company's net revenues guidance for fiscal 2010, its financial prospects and other projections of its performance, the company's ability to increase its business and the anticipated timing and financial performance of its new products and potential acquisitions. Among the important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements are changes in demand for the company's products from its customers and their end-users, new and changing technologies, customer acceptance of those technologies, new and continuing adverse economic conditions, and the company's ability to compete effectively with other software companies. These and other factors discussed in the company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including its filings on Forms 10-K and 10-Q, could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in any forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements contained in this release are made on the basis of the views and assumptions of management regarding future events and business performance as of the date of this release, and the company does not undertake any obligation to update these statements to reflect events or circumstances occurring after the date of this release.

Smith Micro and the Smith Micro logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of Smith Micro Software, Inc. All other trademarks and product names are the property of their respective companies.

Reportlinker Adds The Market for Wellness Programs and Their Impact on Pharmaceutical, Diagnostic and Device Product Markets.

NEW YORK, Oct. 8 /PRNewswire/ -- Reportlinker.com announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue.

Reportlinker Adds The Market for Wellness Programs and Their Impact on Pharmaceutical, Diagnostic and Device Product Markets

http://www.reportlinker.com/p0154011/Reportlinker-Adds-The-Market-for-Well ness-Programs-and-Their-Impact-on-Pharmaceutical-Diagnostic-and-Device-Product -Markets.html

At their most basic level, wellness programs represent an attempt to encourage good health and thereby decrease utilization of health care products and services. They have evolved out of necessity from the current U.S. health care system, in response to a variety of factors including continually rising costs of care and declining quality of life.

A Comprehensive Look at the 'Wellness' Industry

Utilization of wellness programs in the United States has experienced strong recent growth this is expected to continue through the forecast period. As more people participate in wellness programs, their usage of various health care products and services will be affected, as well the revenues of wellness program providers.

This report looks at the emerging wellness industry and estimates the market for wellness related products and services. This portion of the report examines:

  --  Drivers of Wellness Services  --  Utilization Statistics  --  Major Companies and Offerings  --  Current Wellness Program Market Size  --  Innovative Approaches  --  Results of Programs  --  General Trends (Weak U.S. Economy, Postponing of Retirement, EMR,      Rising Interest in Anti-Aging)  --  Industry Trends (Internet-Based Wellness Programs, Usage of Financial      Incentives, Emergence of Retail Clinics)

A Report No Pharmaceutical, Device or Testing Product Marketer Should Be Without

If wellness programs are effective, there should be an impact on all healthcare industries: pharmaceuticals, devices and diagnostics. Positive impact for some, negative for others. As part of Kalorama's unique analysis on this topic, this report also takes a look at how the popularity of wellness programs will effect other markets. The report estimates the positive or negative sales impact of wellness programs upon established U.S. markets for various health care products and services including:

  --  Allergy Medicines  --  Cholesterol Reducers  --  Diabetes Drugs  --  Gastrointestinal Medications/Proton Pump Inhibitors  --  Hypertension Medicines  --  Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medicines  --  Influenza Vaccines  --  Cervical Cancer Vaccines  --  Diagnostic Tests  --  Cardiovascular, Gastric Banding, and other Devices  --  Surgeries,  --  Imaging  --  Other Medical Services

Within each of these market segments, products, services and/or sub-segments were selected that will particularly be affected by wellness programs. Products, services and/or sub-segments that are not expected to be significantly impacted were not included.

Sales estimates for each market segment represent U.S. revenues and are expressed in current dollars. Estimates are provided for the historic 2004 - 2008 period and forecasts are provided through 2013. Historical information for this report was gathered from a wide variety of published sources including company reports and filings, government documents, legal filings, trade journals, newspapers and business press, analysts' reports and other sources. Interviews with company representatives and other experts were conducted to capture the perspectives from industry participants' point of view and assess trends, and form the basis of the forecasting and competitive analysis.

Because this industry is extremely fragmented, with thousands of providers offering many different types of programs tailored to different patient populations, an effort was made to include a broad representation of groups. Companies profiled include:

  --  Aetna  --  Azente Wellness  --  Cigna  --  Coleman Wellness Solutions  --  ConnectiCare  --  Corporate Wellness  --  ConvergenceHealth  --  CuraLinc Healthcare  --  Dynamic Wellness  --  Employee Health Management Systems  --  Hawaii Medical Assurance Association  --  incentaHEALTH  --  KC Wellness  --  Kersh Risk Management.  --  Kronos Optimal Health Company  --  Mayo Clinic Health Solutions  --  MedHealth Solutions  --  MO Healthnet  --  Multicare Health System  --  National Corporate Wellness.  --  Nuvita  --  PATH  --  Physicians Medical Group of Santa Cruz County  --  Preventure  --  Professional Health Services  --  Pure Wellness  --  Summit Health..  --  San Francisco Wellness Initiative  --  US Corporate Wellness  --  Wellness Advantage  --  Wellness Corporate Solutions  --  Wellness Works  --  Wyoming State Wellness Program  CHAPTER ONE: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY  Wellness Programs And Their Impact on U.S. Healthcare Markets  Scope and Methodology  Introduction  The U.S. Health Care System  High Cost of Care  Wellness Programs  Wellness Program Economics  Key Healthcare Markets Impacted by Wellness Programs  Total Effects  Prescription Medicines  OTC Medicines  Adult Vaccines  Clinical Diagnostic Tests  Medical Devices  Medical Services  Wellness Programs market  Market Size  Issues and Trends  CHAPTER TWO: INTRODUCTION  The U.S. Health Care System Today  Health Care Populations  Public Health Care  Private Health Care  The Uninsured and Underinsured  The High Cost of Care  Out of Pocket Health care Expenditures  Quality Costs  Health Care Reform  Universal Federal Health Care Coverage  State Health Care Coverage  Costs Related To A Lack Of Wellness  Direct Cost Savings from Illness Prevention  Indirect Cost Savings from Improved Productivity  Wellness Programs  Program Goals  Target Populations  Expectant Mothers  Senior Citizens  The Obese  Persons with Chronic Conditions  Arthritis  Cardiovascular Disease  Diabetes  Lung Disease  Osteoporosis  Types of Programs  Program Sponsors  Program Administrators  Components of Wellness Programs  Wellness Program Best Practices  Program Economics  Costs of Running a Wellness Program  Savings in Health care Expenses  Current Utilization  Drivers and Restraints  Program Sponsors  Program Participants  CHAPTER THREE: KEY HEALTH CARE MARKETS IMPACTED BY WELLNESS PROGRAMS  Prescription Medicines  Allergy Medicines  Effects of Wellness Programs on Utilization  Allergy Drug Revenues Lost to Wellness Programs, 2004-2013  Cholesterol Reducers  Effects of Wellness Programs on Utilization  Cholesterol Reducer Revenues Lost to Wellness Programs, 2004-2013  Diabetes Drugs  Effects of Wellness Programs on Utilization  Diabetes Drug Revenues Lost to Wellness Programs, 2004-2013  Gastrointestinal Medications/Proton Pump Inhibitors  Effects of Wellness Programs on Utilization  Gastrointestinal Drug/PPI Revenues Lost to Wellness Programs, 2004-2013  Hypertension Medicines  Effects of Wellness Programs on Utilization  Hypertension Drug Revenues Lost to Wellness Programs, 2004-2013  Other Prescription Medicines  Total Effect on Prescription Medicines  Non-Prescription Medicines  Allergy Medicines  Effects of Wellness Programs on Utilization  OTC Allergy Remedy Revenues Gained From Wellness Programs, 2004-2013  Blood Glucose Testing Products  Effects of Wellness Programs on Utilization

OTC Blood Glucose Testing Revenues Gained From Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

  Gastrointestinal Medications  Effects of Wellness Programs on Utilization

OTC Gastrointestinal Drug Revenues Gained From Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

  Smoking Cessation Products  Effects of Wellness Programs on Utilization  OTC Smoking Cessation Product Revenues From Wellness Programs, 2004-2013  Weight Loss Products  Effects of Wellness Programs on Utilization  OTC Weight Loss Drug Revenues Gained From Wellness Programs, 2004-2013  Other Non-Prescription Medicines  Total Effect on Non-Prescription Medicines  Adult Vaccines  Influenza  Effects of Wellness Programs on Utilization  Influenza Vaccine Revenues Gained From Wellness Programs, 2004-2013  Cervical Cancer  Effects of Wellness Programs on Utilization  Cervical Cancer Vaccine Revenues Gained From Wellness Programs, 2004-2013  Other Vaccines  Total Effect on Vaccines  Clinical Diagnostic Tests  Point of Care Tests  Effects of Wellness Programs on Utilization  POC Test Sales Gained from Wellness Programs, 2004-2013  Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay Tests  Effects of Wellness Programs on Utilization

Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay Test Sales Gained from Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

  Other Types of Clinical Diagnostic Tests  Total Effect on Clinical Diagnostic Tests  Medical Devices  Cardiovascular Devices  Effects of Wellness Programs on Utilization  Cardiovascular Device Revenues Lost to Wellness Programs, 2004-2013  Gastric Banding Devices  Effects of Wellness Programs on Utilization  Gastric Banding Device Revenues Lost to Wellness Programs, 2004-2013  Other Medical Devices  Total Effect on Medical Devices  Medical Services  Surgical Interventions  Effects of Wellness Programs on Utilization  Surgical Intervention Revenues Lost to Wellness Programs, 2004-2013  Diagnostic Imaging  Effects of Wellness Programs on Utilization  Medical Imaging Revenues Lost to Wellness Programs, 2004-2013  Other Medical Services  Total Effect on Medical Services  Total Effects of Wellness Programs  Total Health Care Industry  Impact of Wellness Programs  Segment Contribution  Trends Over Time  CHAPTER FOUR: WELLNESS PROGRAMS MARKET  Program Provider Revenues  Issues and Trends  Weak U.S. Economy  Postponing of Retirement  Internet-Based Wellness Programs  Usage of Financial Incentives  Electronic Medical Records  Declining Public Health  Pressure to Democratize Wellness  Rising Interest in Anti-Aging  Emergence of Retail Clinics  CHAPTER FIVE: PROVIDER PROFILES  Aetna  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  Azente Wellness  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  Cigna  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  Coleman Wellness Solutions  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  ConnectiCare  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  Corporate Wellness  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  ConvergenceHealth  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  CuraLinc Healthcare  History and Lines of Business  Dynamic Wellness  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  Employee Health Management Systems  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  Hawaii Medical Assurance Association  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  incentaHEALTH  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  Infinite Wellness Solutions  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  KC Wellness  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  Kersh Risk Management  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  Kronos Optimal Health Company  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  Mayo Clinic Health Solutions  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  MedHealth Solutions  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  MO Healthnet  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  Multicare Health System  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  National Corporate Wellness  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  Nuvita  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  PATH  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  Physicians Medical Group of Santa Cruz County  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  Preventure  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  Professional Health Services  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  Pure Wellness  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  San Francisco Wellness Initiative  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  Summit Health  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  US Corporate Wellness  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  Wellness Advantage  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  Wellness Corporate Solutions  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  Wellness Works  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wyoming State Wellness Program  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  TABLE OF EXHIBITS  CHAPTER TWO: INTRODUCTION

Figure 2-1: National Health Expenditures (NHE) and NHE as a Percent of GDP, 1980-2017

Figure 2-2: Premium Increases vs. Increases in Workers Earnings and Prices, 1989-2008

Figure 2-3: Consumer Out of Pocket Expenditures per Worker, 2003-2013

Figure 2-3: Unnecessary Deaths Resulting From Variations in Health Care Quality, 2008

  Table 2-1: U.S. Health Care Coverage by State, 2009  Figure 2-4: U.S. Costs for Illness Treatment and Prevention, 1980-2017  Table 2-2: Obesity in the United States, 1980-2013  Table 2-3: Common Diseases of the Lungs, 2009  CHAPTER THREE KEY HEALTH CARE MARKETS IMPACTED BY WELLNESS PROGRAMS  Table 3-1: Effect of Wellness Programs on Key U.S. Health care Markets

Table 3-2: U.S. Rx Allergy Drug Sales and Impact of Wellness Programs, 2004 -2013

Table 3-3: Types of Cholesterol Reducing Medications and Their Effect

Table 3-4: U.S. Rx Cholesterol Drug Sales and Impact of Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

Table 3-5: U.S. Diabetes Drug Sales and Impact of Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

Table 3-6: U.S. Rx Gastrointestinal/PPI Drug Sales and Impact of Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

Table 3-7: U.S. Rx Hypertension Drug Sales and Impact of Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

Table 3-8: Total U.S. Rx Drug Sales and Impact of Wellness Programs on Selected Drug Groups, 2004-2013

Figure 3-1: Impact of Wellness Programs on Selected Rx Drug Groups, 2004-2013

Table 3-9: U.S. OTC Allergy Remedy Sales and Impact of Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

Table 3-10: U.S. Blood Glucose Testing Sales and Impact of Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

Table 3-11: U.S. OTC Gastrointestinal Drug Sales and Impact of Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

Table 3-12: U.S. OTC Smoking Cessation Drug Sales and Impact of Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

Table 3-13: U.S. OTC Weight Loss Drug Sales and Impact of Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

Table 3-14: Total U.S. OTC Drug Sales and Impact of Wellness Programs on Selected Drug Groups, 2004-2013

Figure 3-2: Impact of Wellness Programs on Selected OTC Drug Groups, 2004-2013

Table 3-15: U.S. Influenza Vaccine Sales and Impact of Wellness Progress 2004-2013

Table 3-16: U.S. Cervical Cancer Vaccine Sales and Impact of Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

  Table 3-17: U.S. Vaccine Sales and Impact of Wellness Programs, 2004-2013  Figure 3-3: Impact of Wellness Programs on Vaccine Sales, 2004-2013  Table 3-18: U.S. POC Test Sales and Impact of Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

Table 3-19: U.S. Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay Test Sales and Impact of Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

Table 3-20: U.S. Clinical Test Sales and Impact of Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

Figure 3-4: Impact of Wellness Programs on Clinical Diagnostic Tests, 2004-2013

Table 3-21: U.S. Cardiovascular Device Sales and Impact of Wellness Programs on Selected Drug Groups, 2004-2013

Table 3-22: U.S. Gastric Banding Device Sales and Impact of Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

Table 3-23: Selected U.S. Medical Device Sales and Impact of Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

Figure 3-5: Impact of Wellness Programs on Medical Devices, 2004-2013

Table 3-24: U.S. Surgical Intervention Revenues and Impact of Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

Table 3-25: U.S. Medical Imaging Revenues and Impact of Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

Table 3-26: Selected U.S. Medical Service Revenues and Impact of Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

  Figure 3-6: Impact of Wellness Programs on Medical Services, 2004-2013  Table 3-27: Total U.S. Health Care Market Revenues, 2004-2013,  Figure 3-7: Total U.S. Health Care Market, by Segment, 2008  Figure 3-8: Total U.S. Health Care Market, by Segment, 2013

Table 3-28: U.S. Health Care Revenues Lost or Gained from Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

Figure 3-9: U.S. Health Care Revenues Lost or Gained from Wellness Programs, by Segment, 2004-2013

Figure 3-10: Total Effect on U.S. Health Care Revenues Lost or Gained from Wellness Programs, by Segment, 2004 - 2013

Table 3-29: Growth of Total U.S. Health Care Revenues and Revenues Lost or Gained from Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

Figure 3-11: Annual U.S. Health Care Industry Growth vs. Growth of Lost or Gained Revenues from Wellness Programs, by Segment, 2004-2008

Figure 3-12: Annual U.S. Health Care Industry Growth vs. Growth of Lost or Gained Revenues from Wellness Programs, by Segment, 2008-2013

  CHAPTER FOUR: WELLNESS PROGRAMS MARKET  Table 4-1: U.S. Wellness Programs Market, 2004-2013

Figure 4-1: U.S. Spending on Wellness Programs as a Proportion of Total Spending on Health Care Prevention, 2004-2013

  Table 4-2: Effect on Wellness Programs of Industry Trends  CHAPTER FIVE: PROVIDER PROFILES  Table 5-1: Aetna's Revenue and Net Earnings, 2006-2008  Table 5-2: Cigna's Revenue and Net Earnings, 2006-2008

To order this report: Reportlinker Adds The Market for Wellness Programs and Their Impact on Pharmaceutical, Diagnostic and Device Product Markets

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  More market research reports here!  Nicolas Bombourg  Reportlinker  Email: nbo@reportlinker.com  US: (805)-652-2626  Intl: +1 805-652-2626

CONTACT: Nicolas Bombourg of Reportlinker, +1-805-652-2626, nbo@reportlinker.com

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TNS Media Intelligence Forecasts 4.2 Percent Increase in U.S. Advertising Spending for 2008.

Internet to Continue Double Digit Growth with Spot TV, Spanish Language Media, Outdoor and Cable Network TV Higher Than Market Average

NEW YORK -- Total U.S. measured advertising spending is projected to increase 4.2 percent in 2008, according to the full-year forecast released today by TNS Media Intelligence, the leading provider of strategic advertising and marketing information. Measured expenditures are forecast to grow by 3.6 percent in the first half of 2008 followed by a gain of 4.7 percent in the second half.

"2008 is shaping up as a year of contrasts," said Jon Swallen, SVP Research of TNS Media Intelligence. "Aside from the continued double digit growth rate of Internet display advertising, spending gains will be driven predominately by the powerful combination of Summer Olympics and record-setting levels of political advertising. Offsetting this, a weakened economy will have a dampening effect on the broader, core advertising market."


Internet display advertising is forecast to continue growing at double-digit rates in 2008 with Spot TV, Spanish Language Media, Outdoor and Cable Network TV also exceeding the overall market average. Consumer Magazines and Network TV are projected to post small gains versus 2007, while Business-To-Business Magazines and Newspapers are expected to experience outright declines in ad spending.


"The Internet will continue to gain share, principally at the expense of newspapers," said Swallen. "We track share of spending on a rolling two-year basis, in order to control for the biennial fluctuations associated with the Olympics and elections - events that disproportionately benefit television media. Our projections for the 2007-08 cycle indicate television and magazines will maintain their shares, while the Internet will move past radio."


About TNS Media Intelligence

Established in 23 countries with more than 16,000 customers, TNS Media Intelligence is part of TNS, the global marketing insight and information group. TNS Media Intelligence monitors 3 million brands worldwide across a multitude of media, including TV, radio, print, Internet, cinema and outdoor. The company offers a full range of insights and analyses, including the tracking of advertising expenditures and advertising creative, as well as news and social media monitoring and sports sponsorship evaluation.

In the U.S., TNS Media Intelligence is the leading provider of strategic advertising intelligence to advertising agencies, advertisers, and media properties. The company's tracking technologies collect advertising expenditure and occurrence data, as well as select creative executions, for more than 2.8 million brands across 20 media in North America. The U.S. headquarters are in New York City with sales locations in major markets throughout the United States.


About TNS:

TNS is a global market insight and information group.

Our strategic goal is to be recognized as the global leader in delivering value-added information and insights that help our clients to make more effective decisions.

As industry thought leaders, our people deliver innovative thinking and excellent service to global organizations and local clients worldwide. We work in partnership with our clients, meeting their needs for high-quality information, analysis and foresight across our network of over 70 countries.

We are the world's foremost provider of custom research and analysis, combining in-depth industry sector understanding with world-class expertise in the areas of Retail and Shopper Insights, Stakeholder Management, New Product Development, and Brand and Communications. We are a major supplier of consumer panel, media intelligence and Internet, TV and radio audience measurement services.

TNS is the sixth sense of business.


пятница, 24 февраля 2012 г.

A mere 1,511 miles won't slow this CEO.

Byline: Frank Nelson

Jun. 11--Those who complain about the commute into Santa Barbara from Lompoc or Ventura, or even from Santa Maria or Oxnard, should spare a thought for Dennis Cagan . . . he's now commuting to Texas.

Every Monday morning he catches a plane to Dallas and makes his way to the suburb of Carrollton, where he has taken on the role of president and chief executive officer of Trinity Learning Corp. Then, every Friday, he returns to his home in Santa Barbara.

A leading light in the local high-tech business world for close to 40 years, Mr. Cagan started commuting only a few weeks ago but believes the long-distance travel may continue for another six to 12 months as he looks to hire more key people and address other issues at the company.

Trinity Learning, employing more than 200 staff, is a public company that provides workplace education and training to around 4,000 clients mainly in health care, emergency services, homeland security and other government organizations and industrial companies.

Revenue is running at about $30 million.

Though a member of the Trinity board of directors, Mr. Cagan didn't particularly seek out this role.

But when a new chief executive appointed a couple of months ago decided at the last minute that he didn't want to move from the Bay Area to Dallas, Mr. Cagan was asked to step in and take over the reins.

Mr. Cagan, president of the Santa Barbara Technology Group, has been a serial company founder -- he has started or co-founded around 20 different businesses -- investor and board member.

He currently sits on half a dozen boards and serves as chairman on four of them.

Among the companies he is or has been closely involved with are Wavefront Technologies, Software.com, Somera Communications, Commission Junction, Bargain Network, InTouch Technologies and Blue Casa Communications.

Mr. Cagan, 60, is regarded as an authority on information technology, including the Internet, software, hardware and communications, and also has considerable experience in the areas of strategy, sales, marketing, services and distribution channels.

His new office is in a rambling 205,000-square-foot facility that houses eight television studios.

From this complex, Trinity staff write, produce, edit and distribute training material, courses and industry news, beaming out around 35,000 courses via satellite television and the Internet.

Mr. Cagan's long-distance commute is likely to become even more demanding as he and his wife Angelia have been building a house in San Luis Obispo and will be moving there on July 5.

The couple, who have three grown children, have just adopted a 3-year-old girl named Sydney, and Mr. Cagan says one reason for the move is to have more space for a growing child.

Despite the move, Mr. Cagan says he still intends to maintain his many Santa Barbara-area business connections and commitments -- and he'll still keep commuting to Texas for as long as it's necessary.

To see more of the Santa Barbara News-Press, or to subscribe to the newspaper, go to http://www.newspress.com.

Copyright (c) 2006, Santa Barbara News-Press, Calif.

Distributed by Knight Ridder/Tribune Business


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