суббота, 25 февраля 2012 г.

Reportlinker Adds The Market for Wellness Programs and Their Impact on Pharmaceutical, Diagnostic and Device Product Markets.

NEW YORK, Oct. 8 /PRNewswire/ -- Reportlinker.com announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue.

Reportlinker Adds The Market for Wellness Programs and Their Impact on Pharmaceutical, Diagnostic and Device Product Markets

http://www.reportlinker.com/p0154011/Reportlinker-Adds-The-Market-for-Well ness-Programs-and-Their-Impact-on-Pharmaceutical-Diagnostic-and-Device-Product -Markets.html

At their most basic level, wellness programs represent an attempt to encourage good health and thereby decrease utilization of health care products and services. They have evolved out of necessity from the current U.S. health care system, in response to a variety of factors including continually rising costs of care and declining quality of life.

A Comprehensive Look at the 'Wellness' Industry

Utilization of wellness programs in the United States has experienced strong recent growth this is expected to continue through the forecast period. As more people participate in wellness programs, their usage of various health care products and services will be affected, as well the revenues of wellness program providers.

This report looks at the emerging wellness industry and estimates the market for wellness related products and services. This portion of the report examines:

  --  Drivers of Wellness Services  --  Utilization Statistics  --  Major Companies and Offerings  --  Current Wellness Program Market Size  --  Innovative Approaches  --  Results of Programs  --  General Trends (Weak U.S. Economy, Postponing of Retirement, EMR,      Rising Interest in Anti-Aging)  --  Industry Trends (Internet-Based Wellness Programs, Usage of Financial      Incentives, Emergence of Retail Clinics)

A Report No Pharmaceutical, Device or Testing Product Marketer Should Be Without

If wellness programs are effective, there should be an impact on all healthcare industries: pharmaceuticals, devices and diagnostics. Positive impact for some, negative for others. As part of Kalorama's unique analysis on this topic, this report also takes a look at how the popularity of wellness programs will effect other markets. The report estimates the positive or negative sales impact of wellness programs upon established U.S. markets for various health care products and services including:

  --  Allergy Medicines  --  Cholesterol Reducers  --  Diabetes Drugs  --  Gastrointestinal Medications/Proton Pump Inhibitors  --  Hypertension Medicines  --  Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medicines  --  Influenza Vaccines  --  Cervical Cancer Vaccines  --  Diagnostic Tests  --  Cardiovascular, Gastric Banding, and other Devices  --  Surgeries,  --  Imaging  --  Other Medical Services

Within each of these market segments, products, services and/or sub-segments were selected that will particularly be affected by wellness programs. Products, services and/or sub-segments that are not expected to be significantly impacted were not included.

Sales estimates for each market segment represent U.S. revenues and are expressed in current dollars. Estimates are provided for the historic 2004 - 2008 period and forecasts are provided through 2013. Historical information for this report was gathered from a wide variety of published sources including company reports and filings, government documents, legal filings, trade journals, newspapers and business press, analysts' reports and other sources. Interviews with company representatives and other experts were conducted to capture the perspectives from industry participants' point of view and assess trends, and form the basis of the forecasting and competitive analysis.

Because this industry is extremely fragmented, with thousands of providers offering many different types of programs tailored to different patient populations, an effort was made to include a broad representation of groups. Companies profiled include:

  --  Aetna  --  Azente Wellness  --  Cigna  --  Coleman Wellness Solutions  --  ConnectiCare  --  Corporate Wellness  --  ConvergenceHealth  --  CuraLinc Healthcare  --  Dynamic Wellness  --  Employee Health Management Systems  --  Hawaii Medical Assurance Association  --  incentaHEALTH  --  KC Wellness  --  Kersh Risk Management.  --  Kronos Optimal Health Company  --  Mayo Clinic Health Solutions  --  MedHealth Solutions  --  MO Healthnet  --  Multicare Health System  --  National Corporate Wellness.  --  Nuvita  --  PATH  --  Physicians Medical Group of Santa Cruz County  --  Preventure  --  Professional Health Services  --  Pure Wellness  --  Summit Health..  --  San Francisco Wellness Initiative  --  US Corporate Wellness  --  Wellness Advantage  --  Wellness Corporate Solutions  --  Wellness Works  --  Wyoming State Wellness Program  CHAPTER ONE: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY  Wellness Programs And Their Impact on U.S. Healthcare Markets  Scope and Methodology  Introduction  The U.S. Health Care System  High Cost of Care  Wellness Programs  Wellness Program Economics  Key Healthcare Markets Impacted by Wellness Programs  Total Effects  Prescription Medicines  OTC Medicines  Adult Vaccines  Clinical Diagnostic Tests  Medical Devices  Medical Services  Wellness Programs market  Market Size  Issues and Trends  CHAPTER TWO: INTRODUCTION  The U.S. Health Care System Today  Health Care Populations  Public Health Care  Private Health Care  The Uninsured and Underinsured  The High Cost of Care  Out of Pocket Health care Expenditures  Quality Costs  Health Care Reform  Universal Federal Health Care Coverage  State Health Care Coverage  Costs Related To A Lack Of Wellness  Direct Cost Savings from Illness Prevention  Indirect Cost Savings from Improved Productivity  Wellness Programs  Program Goals  Target Populations  Expectant Mothers  Senior Citizens  The Obese  Persons with Chronic Conditions  Arthritis  Cardiovascular Disease  Diabetes  Lung Disease  Osteoporosis  Types of Programs  Program Sponsors  Program Administrators  Components of Wellness Programs  Wellness Program Best Practices  Program Economics  Costs of Running a Wellness Program  Savings in Health care Expenses  Current Utilization  Drivers and Restraints  Program Sponsors  Program Participants  CHAPTER THREE: KEY HEALTH CARE MARKETS IMPACTED BY WELLNESS PROGRAMS  Prescription Medicines  Allergy Medicines  Effects of Wellness Programs on Utilization  Allergy Drug Revenues Lost to Wellness Programs, 2004-2013  Cholesterol Reducers  Effects of Wellness Programs on Utilization  Cholesterol Reducer Revenues Lost to Wellness Programs, 2004-2013  Diabetes Drugs  Effects of Wellness Programs on Utilization  Diabetes Drug Revenues Lost to Wellness Programs, 2004-2013  Gastrointestinal Medications/Proton Pump Inhibitors  Effects of Wellness Programs on Utilization  Gastrointestinal Drug/PPI Revenues Lost to Wellness Programs, 2004-2013  Hypertension Medicines  Effects of Wellness Programs on Utilization  Hypertension Drug Revenues Lost to Wellness Programs, 2004-2013  Other Prescription Medicines  Total Effect on Prescription Medicines  Non-Prescription Medicines  Allergy Medicines  Effects of Wellness Programs on Utilization  OTC Allergy Remedy Revenues Gained From Wellness Programs, 2004-2013  Blood Glucose Testing Products  Effects of Wellness Programs on Utilization

OTC Blood Glucose Testing Revenues Gained From Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

  Gastrointestinal Medications  Effects of Wellness Programs on Utilization

OTC Gastrointestinal Drug Revenues Gained From Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

  Smoking Cessation Products  Effects of Wellness Programs on Utilization  OTC Smoking Cessation Product Revenues From Wellness Programs, 2004-2013  Weight Loss Products  Effects of Wellness Programs on Utilization  OTC Weight Loss Drug Revenues Gained From Wellness Programs, 2004-2013  Other Non-Prescription Medicines  Total Effect on Non-Prescription Medicines  Adult Vaccines  Influenza  Effects of Wellness Programs on Utilization  Influenza Vaccine Revenues Gained From Wellness Programs, 2004-2013  Cervical Cancer  Effects of Wellness Programs on Utilization  Cervical Cancer Vaccine Revenues Gained From Wellness Programs, 2004-2013  Other Vaccines  Total Effect on Vaccines  Clinical Diagnostic Tests  Point of Care Tests  Effects of Wellness Programs on Utilization  POC Test Sales Gained from Wellness Programs, 2004-2013  Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay Tests  Effects of Wellness Programs on Utilization

Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay Test Sales Gained from Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

  Other Types of Clinical Diagnostic Tests  Total Effect on Clinical Diagnostic Tests  Medical Devices  Cardiovascular Devices  Effects of Wellness Programs on Utilization  Cardiovascular Device Revenues Lost to Wellness Programs, 2004-2013  Gastric Banding Devices  Effects of Wellness Programs on Utilization  Gastric Banding Device Revenues Lost to Wellness Programs, 2004-2013  Other Medical Devices  Total Effect on Medical Devices  Medical Services  Surgical Interventions  Effects of Wellness Programs on Utilization  Surgical Intervention Revenues Lost to Wellness Programs, 2004-2013  Diagnostic Imaging  Effects of Wellness Programs on Utilization  Medical Imaging Revenues Lost to Wellness Programs, 2004-2013  Other Medical Services  Total Effect on Medical Services  Total Effects of Wellness Programs  Total Health Care Industry  Impact of Wellness Programs  Segment Contribution  Trends Over Time  CHAPTER FOUR: WELLNESS PROGRAMS MARKET  Program Provider Revenues  Issues and Trends  Weak U.S. Economy  Postponing of Retirement  Internet-Based Wellness Programs  Usage of Financial Incentives  Electronic Medical Records  Declining Public Health  Pressure to Democratize Wellness  Rising Interest in Anti-Aging  Emergence of Retail Clinics  CHAPTER FIVE: PROVIDER PROFILES  Aetna  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  Azente Wellness  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  Cigna  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  Coleman Wellness Solutions  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  ConnectiCare  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  Corporate Wellness  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  ConvergenceHealth  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  CuraLinc Healthcare  History and Lines of Business  Dynamic Wellness  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  Employee Health Management Systems  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  Hawaii Medical Assurance Association  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  incentaHEALTH  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  Infinite Wellness Solutions  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  KC Wellness  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  Kersh Risk Management  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  Kronos Optimal Health Company  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  Mayo Clinic Health Solutions  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  MedHealth Solutions  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  MO Healthnet  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  Multicare Health System  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  National Corporate Wellness  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  Nuvita  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  PATH  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  Physicians Medical Group of Santa Cruz County  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  Preventure  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  Professional Health Services  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  Pure Wellness  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  San Francisco Wellness Initiative  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  Summit Health  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  US Corporate Wellness  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  Wellness Advantage  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  Wellness Corporate Solutions  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  Wellness Works  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wyoming State Wellness Program  History and Lines of Business  Financial Information  Wellness Programs  TABLE OF EXHIBITS  CHAPTER TWO: INTRODUCTION

Figure 2-1: National Health Expenditures (NHE) and NHE as a Percent of GDP, 1980-2017

Figure 2-2: Premium Increases vs. Increases in Workers Earnings and Prices, 1989-2008

Figure 2-3: Consumer Out of Pocket Expenditures per Worker, 2003-2013

Figure 2-3: Unnecessary Deaths Resulting From Variations in Health Care Quality, 2008

  Table 2-1: U.S. Health Care Coverage by State, 2009  Figure 2-4: U.S. Costs for Illness Treatment and Prevention, 1980-2017  Table 2-2: Obesity in the United States, 1980-2013  Table 2-3: Common Diseases of the Lungs, 2009  CHAPTER THREE KEY HEALTH CARE MARKETS IMPACTED BY WELLNESS PROGRAMS  Table 3-1: Effect of Wellness Programs on Key U.S. Health care Markets

Table 3-2: U.S. Rx Allergy Drug Sales and Impact of Wellness Programs, 2004 -2013

Table 3-3: Types of Cholesterol Reducing Medications and Their Effect

Table 3-4: U.S. Rx Cholesterol Drug Sales and Impact of Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

Table 3-5: U.S. Diabetes Drug Sales and Impact of Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

Table 3-6: U.S. Rx Gastrointestinal/PPI Drug Sales and Impact of Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

Table 3-7: U.S. Rx Hypertension Drug Sales and Impact of Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

Table 3-8: Total U.S. Rx Drug Sales and Impact of Wellness Programs on Selected Drug Groups, 2004-2013

Figure 3-1: Impact of Wellness Programs on Selected Rx Drug Groups, 2004-2013

Table 3-9: U.S. OTC Allergy Remedy Sales and Impact of Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

Table 3-10: U.S. Blood Glucose Testing Sales and Impact of Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

Table 3-11: U.S. OTC Gastrointestinal Drug Sales and Impact of Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

Table 3-12: U.S. OTC Smoking Cessation Drug Sales and Impact of Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

Table 3-13: U.S. OTC Weight Loss Drug Sales and Impact of Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

Table 3-14: Total U.S. OTC Drug Sales and Impact of Wellness Programs on Selected Drug Groups, 2004-2013

Figure 3-2: Impact of Wellness Programs on Selected OTC Drug Groups, 2004-2013

Table 3-15: U.S. Influenza Vaccine Sales and Impact of Wellness Progress 2004-2013

Table 3-16: U.S. Cervical Cancer Vaccine Sales and Impact of Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

  Table 3-17: U.S. Vaccine Sales and Impact of Wellness Programs, 2004-2013  Figure 3-3: Impact of Wellness Programs on Vaccine Sales, 2004-2013  Table 3-18: U.S. POC Test Sales and Impact of Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

Table 3-19: U.S. Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay Test Sales and Impact of Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

Table 3-20: U.S. Clinical Test Sales and Impact of Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

Figure 3-4: Impact of Wellness Programs on Clinical Diagnostic Tests, 2004-2013

Table 3-21: U.S. Cardiovascular Device Sales and Impact of Wellness Programs on Selected Drug Groups, 2004-2013

Table 3-22: U.S. Gastric Banding Device Sales and Impact of Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

Table 3-23: Selected U.S. Medical Device Sales and Impact of Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

Figure 3-5: Impact of Wellness Programs on Medical Devices, 2004-2013

Table 3-24: U.S. Surgical Intervention Revenues and Impact of Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

Table 3-25: U.S. Medical Imaging Revenues and Impact of Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

Table 3-26: Selected U.S. Medical Service Revenues and Impact of Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

  Figure 3-6: Impact of Wellness Programs on Medical Services, 2004-2013  Table 3-27: Total U.S. Health Care Market Revenues, 2004-2013,  Figure 3-7: Total U.S. Health Care Market, by Segment, 2008  Figure 3-8: Total U.S. Health Care Market, by Segment, 2013

Table 3-28: U.S. Health Care Revenues Lost or Gained from Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

Figure 3-9: U.S. Health Care Revenues Lost or Gained from Wellness Programs, by Segment, 2004-2013

Figure 3-10: Total Effect on U.S. Health Care Revenues Lost or Gained from Wellness Programs, by Segment, 2004 - 2013

Table 3-29: Growth of Total U.S. Health Care Revenues and Revenues Lost or Gained from Wellness Programs, 2004-2013

Figure 3-11: Annual U.S. Health Care Industry Growth vs. Growth of Lost or Gained Revenues from Wellness Programs, by Segment, 2004-2008

Figure 3-12: Annual U.S. Health Care Industry Growth vs. Growth of Lost or Gained Revenues from Wellness Programs, by Segment, 2008-2013

  CHAPTER FOUR: WELLNESS PROGRAMS MARKET  Table 4-1: U.S. Wellness Programs Market, 2004-2013

Figure 4-1: U.S. Spending on Wellness Programs as a Proportion of Total Spending on Health Care Prevention, 2004-2013

  Table 4-2: Effect on Wellness Programs of Industry Trends  CHAPTER FIVE: PROVIDER PROFILES  Table 5-1: Aetna's Revenue and Net Earnings, 2006-2008  Table 5-2: Cigna's Revenue and Net Earnings, 2006-2008

To order this report: Reportlinker Adds The Market for Wellness Programs and Their Impact on Pharmaceutical, Diagnostic and Device Product Markets

http://www.reportlinker.com/p0154011/Reportlinker-Adds-The-Market-for-Well ness-Programs-and-Their-Impact-on-Pharmaceutical-Diagnostic-and-Device-Product -Markets.html

  More market research reports here!  Nicolas Bombourg  Reportlinker  Email: nbo@reportlinker.com  US: (805)-652-2626  Intl: +1 805-652-2626

CONTACT: Nicolas Bombourg of Reportlinker, +1-805-652-2626, nbo@reportlinker.com

Web Site: http://www.reportlinker.com/

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